Seven days of dynamic deliverance.

Be at this electricfying Revival Ezekiel 37:3,4

For every dry bone in your life situation shall be healed and live again.

Come and experience days of powerful healing in different aspect of Life, Healing in your body and your family, financial healing, physical healing and spiritual healing.

The theme operation PUSH means P=Pray, U=until, S=something, H=happens

Where: Word of Faith Ministries Düren, Glashüttenstraße 34, 52349 Düren 0173/2339333 or 0172/5262843

When: Sun. 1. April 2012 11.00 h – 13.00 h
Mon. 2. April 2012 thru Saturday 7. April 2012 18:00 h – 20:00 h
Sun. 8. April 2012 11.00 h – 13.00 h