Pray Until Something Happens
It is here again 2014
Exodus 12:13 And the blood of Jesus Christ will be a sign on you. When Devil see the blood he will go over because your are marked by the blood.
Jesus Christ is unique. He restores our souls and offers what no anyother can offer. He is a Shepherd and more.
You are cordially invited to this seasons.
Come and find out what it means to be blessed with spiritual blessings.
„OPERATION PUSH“ is an act of laying hold on supernatural empowerment
Prayer is the breakfast of Champions.
Praying empowers us to victory.
Be at the right place at the right time.
Do the right Thing and get the right results.
You can´t afford to miss this glorious Revival.
Come and enjoy with live Gospel in attendance. Your life will be changed.

Date: Monday 14 April 2014 to Saturday 19 April 2014 daily
Time: 18:00 – 20:00 daily
Sunday, 20 April 2014 Time: 11:00 – 13:00 h
Place: Glashüttenstraße 34, 52349 Düren


Betrete das Haus Gottes mit Lobgesang – lädt ein zum Thanksgiving.

Datum: Sonntag, 1. Dezember 2013 – Beginn 11.00 Uhr
Psalm 107, Vers. 15 – Oh, nun sollen die Kinder Gottes den Herrn für
seine Güte danken und ihn preisen für Ihre wunderschöne Rettung!

Unsere lebende Existenz ist seine Gnade und die Grundlage
seiner Gnade.

Sie alle sollen den Herrn danken für seine Huld, für sein wunderbares
Tun an den Menschen.

Treu ist er und nichts kann seine Treue an uns ändern.

Komm´ und sei dabei, den Herrn zu danken.

Komm´ und feiere mit uns die Danksagung an den Herrn,
trete ein und schau in das Angesicht Gottes.
Komm´ und erlebe Live-Gospel-Musik!

Ort: Word of Faith Ministries
Glashüttenstraße 34
52349 Düren
Kontakt: Reverend Jenny 0173/2339333 oder 0162/2170777 oder 0172/5262843


Love Feast in the House of God.
Date: Friday, 24 August 2012 18:00 h – 20:00 h
Saturday, 25 August 2012 18:00 h – 20:00 h
Sunday, 26 August 2012 11:00 h – 13:00 h

This is certainly going to be a very special time in the precense of the Lord and so you will need to come really prepared to receive devine impartation.
Come and receive your blessing as you listen to a drop of prophetic utterance from GOD.
This program is to enhance and foster unity and love in the World.


The Lord is our Strength and Defense. He has become our Salvation. Come and be part of this theme, PRAY UNTIL
SOMETHING HAPPENS. Don’t miss what God is doing through Reverend Jenny. Join us to be Mathematical to our Heavenly Father by calculating your needs deep in your Heart and see if He will not pay them off. He will Share your Problems ,Multiply you with Joy and Peace and Subtract the Past and will Add a Beautiful tomorrow Life to to you.


Seven days of dynamic deliverance.

Be at this electricfying Revival Ezekiel 37:3,4

For every dry bone in your life situation shall be healed and live again.

Come and experience days of powerful healing in different aspect of Life, Healing in your body and your family, financial healing, physical healing and spiritual healing.

The theme operation PUSH means P=Pray, U=until, S=something, H=happens

Where: Word of Faith Ministries Düren, Glashüttenstraße 34, 52349 Düren 0173/2339333 or 0172/5262843

When: Sun. 1. April 2012 11.00 h – 13.00 h
Mon. 2. April 2012 thru Saturday 7. April 2012 18:00 h – 20:00 h
Sun. 8. April 2012 11.00 h – 13.00 h

Kinderfestival war wieder ein Highlight!

Das diesjährige Kinderfestival in der Word of  Faith Gospelkirche war erneut ein Highlight. Viele Mütter waren mit ihren Kindern gekommen. Alle Mühe hat sich gelohnt! Durch Gebet, Gesang, Tanz und Musik, Theaterspielen und Solovorträgen ging der Samstagnachmittag schnell vorüber.